I love the show because I see myself in the characters. I see myself especially in Meredith and Cristina. I'm not sure that that's a sign of emotional health... it may, in fact, be a sign of the opposite, but nonetheless I love to watch. I love the rollercoaster, the tears, the laughter, the lust. I love the drama.
So I was recently catching up on my Grey's Anatomy...
and WOW!!!!
there was a three part "arc" (their wording, not mine) in the last season that is so intense. At one point the character Cristina is engaged and she can't believe it's real until she tells her friend Meredith. In fact, she gets all bent out of shape when her fiance tells other people about their engagement before she can tell Meredith... She tries to explain it to him:
"It's just that she's my person.....If I murdered someone, she's the person I'd call to help me drag the corpse across the living room floor...she's my person"
I totally get that. That scene spoke volumes to me, because I have my person. She is the one I call when I can't stop crying. She is the one I text when I can't stop laughing.

She's my wedding date. I know she's high class, right?

She the one I have the most serious conversations with.... this one was about the importance of having windshield wipers on your eyeglasses. If you don't have them, you are living dangerously!

She's my fellow iPhone addict! It's nice to have a girl to geek out with. We waited in line for hours for our phones... and were told that some guy would be lucky to have such a geeky wife. Of course, those were geeks telling us that. Hmmm, perhaps we were being proposed to...

She is the person who makes everything real as soon as I've shared it with her. So Lauren, know that you are loved... and if I murder someone expect a phone call on your fancy pants phone.
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