22 January 2009


This, dear reader, is my 100th published blog at Meli La Gringa!

In honor of this magnificent event, I was planning on writing 100 words to describe myself... BUT that, it turns out, is difficult. So I changed my mind.

Since one hundred is the square of 10, I am going to instead list ten words that I would use to describe myself.

1. Bubbly - I have been told that I have "a personality plus." I always assume that that is a compliment...
2. Delectable - Hello! Best describing word ever! Defined as "highly pleasing or delicious." I would like to see myself as quite a delicious dish!
3. Bookworm - I may be addicted to books, NPR, and all things mildly nerdy.
4. Fickle - I have a hard time being "sure" of things that I want. Short hair? Yes! Long hair? Yes! Brown hair? Yes! Blonde hair? Yes! I blame my father who used to make me play Devil's Advocate all time. I was basically trained from birth to see both sides of all issues... makes it difficult to pick ONE side.
5. Curious - "Why? How? What does that do?" I tend to question a lot and want to know more about just about everything.
6. Heckler - If you've ever seen me at a hockey game, you'll know that I can get a little animated. I must admit at this point, that this is even the case at my sweet nephew's soccer games as well. "Come on guys! Run for the ball! I don't care if your six. Focus!!!"
7. Lover - This is an odd choice to follow heckler, but I would like to think that a heckler can be a lover too. I love people. I love life. I love today and I'll most likely love tomorrow. Despite my fickle nature, I am a faithful and loyal lover of people.
8. Adventurer - I'm ready! Let's go! My normal response to just about anything, at just about any time, is "Woohoo! I'm in! We are so fun!"
9. Eye-Candy - My current job is not the most challenging, so I have jokingly dubbed my title as Eye-Candy. I hope that this title will follow me all of my days. It's pretty fun to think that your purpose for the day is to be pleasant.
10. Passionate - I am passionate about movies that I love, books that I love, people that I love, politics. I'm passionate about kissing, about babies, about old people, and about love. I'm passionate about food and wine and Diet Coke. I am pretty sure that I can safely describe myself as a passionate person.

So... narrowing it down to only ten words was a tough task as well. I guess writing is always an effort. In my case, it happens to be an effort of love.

**Erika & Jayma gave me some suggestions that are receiving honorable mention.**

They, most definitely, get extra credit for their creative use of dashes!

Below are a few 100-themed links for those with some extra time on their hands:
All about the number 100

100 Best Novels

AFI's 100 Best Movies of All Time

100 Most Misspelled Words in the English Language


Anonymous said...

Meli you rule, you are all those things and more. Happy 100th blog!

Amy said...

Luckily, it looks like I actually know many of the misspelled words :)

And now I've copied and saved the top 100 non-fiction and fiction books, and the top 100 films...for when I do actually have extra time.

Anonymous said...

hah. On the 100 best novels reader's list...there's like 10 different Charles de Lint books. I guess whomever wrote that or voted had an obsession similar to mine. I've got most of those too that I'll loan ya.

The Tiny Team said...

very nice, plus!