18 June 2007


Friday night Will, Tom (Will's roommate) and I said our goodbyes to many friends and packed all that we had collected in four months of dorm living into Tom's car to drive about an hour to Tom's home in Daejon. Tom's parents are adorable and so generous!!! We had a great weekend hiking, eating dog, and hanging with Tom. I'll fill you in on more with pictures later. Tom delivered us to the train station yesterday afternoon (with lunch boxes in hand, packed by Mommy) and now Will and I are vacationing in Busan. We are trying to be as lazy as possible, and seeing as we're on vacation I think it's okay this once. We are in a PC Bang (read: internet cafe) right now, so I don't have my own pictures, but this is a stolen photo of Haeundae Beach in Busan courtesy of Google Images. This is the very beach that I napped on most of this afternoon, only there were a lot fewer people. It's Monday, and I guess some people have jobs. Whatever! Now we are trying to make contact with the outside world via the Internet. :) Tonight I think it is off to Sushi and sightseeing. Maybe if there's time, I'll squeeze in another much deserved nap.

(Yes, I know I still owe you some Jeju pics and I will deliver in time.)

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