We met while making mochas at the 'Bucks. She seemed nice at first...
Then she opened her mouth...
to share with me her wit and humor. Quickly, I loved her even more.
Sometimes she was a little inappropriate at work. (But truthfully we all were, because that was how we kept ourselves sane.)
We became "fast Frappucino friends".
(Both being lactose intolerant, we should have been "soy friends"... but... well we LOVE those disgusting drinks... with EXTRA caramel.)
In time the Starbucks routine started to drive us mad...
and we began getting a little stir crazy.
Love and Kisses to Erika!!!
One faithful reader of this blog who brings me much joy and gladness.
I owe you an illegal Frappucino sometime very soon!!!
I tried to leave a comment before, but it wouldn't let me! These are the most flattering pictures of me! I miss that apron. And my ninja pants. Meli, you are the greatest, thank you for your blog!
HEY! I read this thing TOO! i deserve an ode equal to the presence of your odor!
haha, i crack myself up!
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