08 November 2007

Viva Mexico

Some recent remodeling in our house called for a trip to Mexico... and since my mother and I LOVE adventures, we were the girls for the job! One week ago today, mom and I packed up our purses with bottled water and small change and started heading south on the I-5.

As we reached Solana Beach (one city south!) my aunt called to chat.
The conversation went something like this:
Me: "Hi Aunt Mindy! Come to Mexico with us."
Aunt Mindy: "I don't think you want an old lady ruining your fun, but thanks."
Me: "Well it's my mom and I... so I don't think another old lady will be a problem."
Aunt Mindy: "What are you doing?"
Me: "We're going shopping, to eat lobster and drink margaritas."
Aunt Mindy: "Okay I'm in."

and so we talked her into joining our posse...
After an afternoon of poorly negotiating for blankets (my mother has NO idea how to say "No"), we ventured forth for lobster and margaritas...

Get a couple drinks in me and I'm ready for love.

Panchito and I hit it off right away. ;)

1 comment:

Will said...

Viva Mexico!