28 October 2008

Why today just might have sucked...

1. I rear ended a car on my way to work... don't worry I'm fine. We were at a red light. He started to move. I started to move. The car in front of him stalled. He stopped. I stopped... just not fast enough.

2. I came into the office and found five voicemail messages that consisted of clicking.... alternating silence and clicking. Turns out our phone system has crashed. That's good news. Right?

3. The phone tech comes to check on the phone system (stored in our server room)... and says "Melissa, I think you have a bigger problem." Bigger than a broken phone system?!?!

The air conditioner that is supposed to keep our server/phone equipment safe from overheating has a leak.... there is a freakin' flood in the server room!!!

4. I go to tell the office manager about our new Server Sea and find a small flood in the kitchen as well. mmm... sweet!

5. Now the Internet is coming and going.... so we can't communicate with phones or email!

HOW are we supposed to call for help, when we start drowning?

6. The pizza that I ordered for the teleconference (that is now being held via two cell phones on speakerphone) comes burnt!

7. I twisted my ankle thanks to the wet kitchen floor...

8. I blame part of my lack of grace on my impending period. I am (on top of everything else) suffering from stomach cramps and a mild case of PMS. (I know. I can't believe I just blogged about PMS either!)

9. Because of our phone situation, the alarm system that lives on the wall next to my desk spends the ENTIRE day beeping to let me know that it can't connect to the phone.

10. Oh yeah and yesterday we laid off seven people at the office so basically today would have sucked without #'s 1-9.

So yeah... I think it might be official that today sucked. :)


Anonymous said...


What an unbelievably rough day. I'm sorry. Here's hoping for a much better today!

Meli la gringa said...

Today is already better. I didn't hit anyone on my way to work! BUT the phone system went down again last night. :)