16 July 2007

GRE = Summer of Studying

I registered yesterday to take the GRE on August 8... yep you did the math correctly, I have 23 days to cram some intense vocabulary and mathematical formulas into my dusty head. I have set up camp at the Carlsbad Library and am mooching their Internet to run through practice exams and flipping through Barron's GRE guidebook. All I have to say about that is: "The covers of this book are too far apart." (Ambrose Bierce)

Honestly, I love all of this. I am a nerd and I love being a student. I adore taking practice exams and going back to figure out what went wrong. I enjoy soaking up new vocabulary (I podcast PBS's "A Way With Words" for crying out loud!)... I just hope some if it lodges itself into the crevices of my mind so that I can access it on the 8th. I'm even kind of excited for the drive down to SDSU, finding my testing room, and having the proctor remind me that I can't have my own paper, handheld computer, calculator etc. at least six times. OMG I am a card-carrying nerd!

The thing I love the most is being in a library. I sit here and inhale the smell of books, hundreds and hundreds of books. I adore feeling lost in the stacks. I love hiding in the cubby holes they set up in the corners of the room for studiers like me. They have lamps at each desk and that excites me. I wish there were dark wood paneled walls... BUT I guess I can't have everything...yet. I dream of having a library of my own one day; A library I can legally drink a mug of coffee in... a library with a window seat and large globes and one of those ladders that let's you slide around the entire room. Awwww just the dream of it makes me smile.

"When I step into this library, I cannot understand why I ever step out of it." (Marie de Sevigne)

That's it I'm moving in here! Oh wait sorry....OK back to studying and the GRE... some of you may be wondering why I would be back to the books so soon after graduation. Well, I'm wondering the same thing myself really. The truth is, as I was looking for a job, nothing got my blood pumping like the thought of learning more... So I did some research and I'm applying to UCSD's Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies for the fall of 2008. This next year I will work and study to get ready for being a student one more time next fall. Funny how all of this works... I always think I have a plan, but someone else seems to have a much better one.

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be." (Douglas Adams)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blog or DIE